Mein Sams­tag in Dubrovnik | Johanna Müller


Mein Sams­tag in Dubrovnik

  • 2. April 2016

Gold beim Euro­pa­cup. Dan­ke für das Inter­view mit dem Pres­se­ver­tre­ter der EJU. Hier ein Aus­zug, den gesam­ten Bei­trag könnt ihr hier lesen: MUELLER: IT IS GOOD TO BE BACK, GADANOV: THINKING ABOUT FUTURE

Ich wün­sche euch auch noch ein super Wochen­en­de - Eure Jo

„The all Ger­man final match U57 won Johan­na Muel­ler who was hap­py to be back.

 Johan­na you have Euro­pean Club Tit­le with Spey­er and usual­ly we see you at the IJF Tour, how come that you came to Dubrov­nik? “I was inju­red for a while, so this was my first tour­na­ment and it was real­ly good trai­ning in my reco­very pro­cess. I can’t say that I’m very hap­py with my fights as I could do it bet­ter, pro­bab­ly my next event is Euro­pean Open in Madrid and I will do my best to win gold medal the­re as well.” - Gold meda­list Muel­ler said.“